Interior Design Learning Resource

History of art, craft and design

Featured Courses

Egyptian Civilisation- Architecture

4 star

This video describes the importance of Egyptian Civilisation in terms of its architecture

Art of the Indus Valley

4 star

Arts from the Mohenjodaro and Harappa Civilisation

Ancient Egypt Art History

4 star

Ancient Egyptian arts and crafts

The Art of Ancient Egyptian Paintings

4 star

Egyptian workmanship is the canvas, model, engineering

Harappan Art and Architecture

4 star

Architecture and the important stone sculptures of the Harappan Civilisation

Greek Art History

4 star

Know about the history of Greek art from this video

Maya Artifacts

4 star

Learn about a large range of Mayan artifacts from the Yucatan

Roman Art History

4 star

Know about the history of Roman art from this video

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